Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Cowboy Outlaws Rock it!

I didn't get to go to the grand finally competition with Amanda and the Cowboy Outlaws this past weekend in Destin, Florida. I was very disapointed but had to have surgery. Amanda had a blast in her last competition for the year. We are now concentrating on conditioning and try outs for next year's All Star team. Amanda hopes to try out and be on a more advanced, level 3 team next year. I am very proud of her commitment, time and dedication she made to this sport throughout the whole year. It was alot of work but so worth it. I feel that Amanda has gained such a positive life experience that she will treasure in her memory for years to come. She will one day have the opportunity to show her family as a grown adult her competitions.

I have decided in this blog to share some of the video routines of the Cowboy Outlaws in action. In all, they really pulled together and developed a strong bond and everlasting friendships. I am also greatful to Chad, her coach, for his his commitment and time he put into making this All Star team successful.

Please enjoy the video:

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Cheertech Competition

We just had a competition on Saturday, April 2nd at the BJCC in Birmingham, Alabama. It was a smaller competition. I found it interesting because there were teams competing from the north in New Jersey at the same time as the south, here in Birmingham. Cheertech alternated North and South teams throughout the competition. We would watch the North teams compete on a big tv screen live and then watch a local team commpete in the same division. It seemed delayed and slower than other competitions that we have participated in.

Our team did awesome and the best of all the teams. However, the judges found some points to deduct in our stunts knocking us into second place in our division. It was alot of fun still and in my book, Cowboys Outlaws are number 1!!